The Savior did not come to abolish his Father’s law, but to fulfill it (Matthew 5: 17-20). The word ‘fulfill’ means to ‘carry out,’ to ‘do,’ to ‘perform’ and ‘obey.’ Had the Messiah abolished the law, he would have contradicted his own words when he said, the law would outlast the universe. It is evident, the heavens and the earth are still here, so the law must still exist. The Bible classifies ALL men/women as sinners. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3: 23). This means, Yahweh's law must still exist, for to be a ‘sinner’ one must have transgressed an existing law. We could hardly be called ‘sinners’ if there were no law to transgress; for ‘sin’ by the Bible definition is, “the transgression of the law:” (1 John 3: 4). The Apostle Paul so clearly put it, “where there is no law there is no transgression” (Romans 4: 15). In short, the presence of sin and sinners, in the world, is proof positive, the Almighty’s law still exists.
The Bible tells us, at the end of this present age and in the ages to come, true believers will be keeping the commandments of God. How could this be possible if the commandments were abolished at Calvary?
Revelation 12: |
17: And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the
remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the
testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 22: |
13: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the
last. 14: Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15: For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. |
Incidentally, laws are not abolished by obedience or disobedience. Consult any solicitor or member of parliament, if you have any doubts about this legal fundamental. Christians who speak and write against the law of the Most High, are, unwittingly, furthering the cause of Satan the Lawless One. They are adding to the enormous catalog of sin, of which the world and the church is already guilty. When they teach, God's law is done away with, they encourage the spiritually blind to persist in their sins. For further information about Yahweh's commandments, see the Divine Law Page.
Ephesians 2: | 7: That in the ages to come He (the Almighty) will shew the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us through Jesus Christ. |
Furthermore, we know, Yahweh’s grace towards mankind was evident in past ages:
Genesis 6: 8 | Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. |
Exodus 33: 13-16 | Moses found grace in the LORD’s sight. |
Jeremiah 31: 2 | Israel found grace in the wilderness. |
Indeed, “He (Yahweh) giveth grace unto the lowly” no matter what age they may happen to live in (Proverbs 3: 34). The Almighty's grace, we conclude, is not just a new covenant feature, but the age-old outcome of a personal trait of the Most High, which immediately manifested itself when man sinned and salvation became necessary. Did you know, the word grace appears 39 times in the Old Testament! Yahweh's grace, in other words, has been extended to all of His followers since Adam sinned in the garden of Eden. Indeed, every time an Old Testament believer offered an animal sacrifice for sin, he was pardoned by the grace of God.
What then, is the relationship between grace and law? What does it mean to be under grace? Briefly here are the facts concerning this misunderstood matter.
Sin, as stated above, is the transgression of Yahweh's law. Sin is doing what the Almighty tells us not to do. Sin is breaking Yahweh's commandments. Sin is disobedience, and all of us have sinned (1 John 3:4, Isa. 53:6).
To be "under grace" means, to be a recipient of Yahweh's mercy, grace and favor; to have one's sins forgiven and to be no longer under the death sentence of the law. That is what being "under grace" means.
The answer is perfectly obvious. We must stop doing these things. Indeed, it was for doing these very things that caused us to be under the death sentence of the law in the first place. Being "under grace," if anything, should prompt a person to be more obedient, more righteous and more holy than he/she ever was. Being "under grace" does not mean, you are at liberty to break the law of the Most High. For if you continue to do so, you are being disobedient. Disobedience is sin. That is exactly the point the Apostle Paul makes when he asks:
Romans 6: | 15: What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? |
Paul's answer is:
Romans 6: | 16: God forbid! Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? |
Romans 6: | 16: His servants ye are whom ye obey. |
Romans 14: |
5: One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day
alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. 6: He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord: and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it ... 10: ... for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. |
In this passage, Paul is NOT saying, the Sabbath commandment is done away with. Nor, for that matter, is he saying, Sunday is the Sabbath; or even that Saturday is the Sabbath. The identity of the Sabbath day is not being established in this text.
The points being made in this passage are:
Why is self-determination so important here? The answer is because “we shall all stand before the Judgment seat of Christ” and give our own reasons for our actions. Pleading ignorance or blaming someone else for your own actions will not help you on the Day of Judgment. You must decide these matters for yourself and be fully persuaded in your own mind as to what is right and what is wrong.
That is what Paul is saying.
Colossians 2: |
16: Let no man therefore judge you in meat and drink, or in respect of
a holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days; 17: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. |
The message of these verses is similar to that in Romans 14: 5-6. In Romans 14, Paul admonishes believers not to judge one another, but let each decide for themselves. In this passage, he is telling us not to allow ourselves to be judged by others.
Why does Paul mention meat, drink, Sabbath days and new moons in the same verse? The answer is, because “meat, drink, new moons, and Sabbath days” are “shadows,” tokens or emblem types of great spiritual realities still to come. Though they are extremely beneficial when properly understood and applied, they are of little practical value to the Christian who spends his/her energies and time criticizing others.
Having said this, however, it would be very unwise for a believer to conclude, since these things are “shadows” or spiritual tokens, they are, therefore, of little account and Paul is giving all Christians a free pass to ignore Yahweh's Sabbath law.
That is most certainly NOT what Paul is saying. Indeed, when we examine the Apostle's other writings and take a close look at his actions, we notice, he went to great lengths to honour the Almighty's Sabbaths and to prove to the brethren in Jerusalem, the reports about him teaching believers to forsake the law and old customs were simply not true. The fact was, he (Paul) walked in an “orderly way and kept the law” (Acts 21: 20-24, Acts 20: 16).
What then, does this passage mean? It means, exactly what it is saying. Just like the passage in Romans, it concerns a believer's mental attitude towards himself and others. In Romans 14, Paul says, do not judge others, but allow them to make up their own minds regarding their diet and the days they honour. In Colossians 2, he says, Do not allow others to judge you. In neither passage, is the identity of the true Sabbath day discussed.
Galatians 4: |
9: But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God,
how turn ye again to the week and beggarly elements, where unto
ye desire again to be in bondage. 10: Ye observe days, months, and times and years. |
The key words in this passage are “how turn ye again.” They mean, after knowing the truth, how can you want to turn back to your former sinful practices. Bear in mind, Paul was writing to the Galatian believers, to converted pagans. What were they wanting to turn back to?
The answer is, they were wanting to “turn back” to the weak and beggarly elements, of the days, months, and times and years, which they had kept and honored before they became followers of Jesus Christ. In other words, they wanted to turn back to the pagan festivals they had previously observed; festivals, which centered on the beggarly elements of sun, moon, wind, river and fire worship. These are the beggarly elements, which the converted Galatians used to worship. This fact, understandably amazed Paul!
Had he been writing to converted Jews, who had kept the Almighty's Feasts since childhood, then we could allow, the “days, months, times and years” of verse 10, may well have meant Jehovah's Feasts and the pagan converts were wanting to go back to celebrating them. But, Paul is not writing to Jewish believers, he is writing to Gentile converts from Paganism; The only celebrations, to which they could possibly go back to, were the heathen festivals they had previously known; the festivals which were directly linked to the beggarly elements mentioned earlier.
Also bear in mind, Paul honored Yahweh's Feasts (Acts 18: 21, Acts 20: 16, 1 Corinthians 16: 8). It is, therefore, unthinkable, he would ever refer to the Almighty's Feasts as “weak and beggarly elements” in one instance and then strive desperately to keep them in the next. Paul's verdict in (Romans 7: 12) concerning the commandments of God was:
There is nothing “weak and beggarly” about the worship of the Almighty God of Abraham. That much is certain. What is “weak and beggarly,” is the foundation on which the pagan religions, their customs and worship practices sit!
Ephesians 2: |
15: Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of
commandments contained in ordinances for to make himself of twain one new
man, so making peace. 16: And that he may reconcile both unto God in the one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereof. |
There lies hidden within the human heart a deadly element known as
sin. At the epicenter of sin, which is disobedience to Yahweh's law,
is a spiritual ingredient called enmity. Enmity is hostility. In
every carnal mind, this sinful element enmity and hostility towards
the Almighty exits. It finds expression in acts of disobedience (sin).
Elsewhere Paul says:
Romans 8: | 7: The carnal (non-spiritual) mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. |
If you read Ephesians 2: 15-16 again, you will see, it was this inherent enmity in the carnal mind that the Savior came to abolish. He didn't come to abolish the law (Matthew 5: 17-18), but man's enmity against God, which immediately manifests itself when the Almighty's law is presented. The law, incidentally, is incapable of subduing the sinful nature of man. The law can only point the way to righteousness. It can only tell us what is right and what is wrong. Perfect and eternal though it is, the law is unable to subdue the hostility the carnal mind has for the LORD God.
Romans 8: |
3: For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh,
God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin,
condemned sin in the flesh: 4: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. |
Did you get that?
Yahweh, being fully aware, His law was totally incapable of overcoming man's sinful nature, He sent His Son to subdue, overcome and deprive sin of its power over the human mind. In other words, the Almighty sent His Son to slay the root cause of sin, which is enmity towards God and towards each other. This enmity goes beyond man's hatred for God and His law. It expresses it in hatred between Jew and Gentile, black and white, rich and poor, educated and ignorant, the haves and the have-nots in nation after nation. The Savior alone, has the power to overcome this enmity between the races and to make of different nations one people - one man.
Why did the Savior come to slay our inherent enmity against God and our fellow men? The answer is:
Romans 8: 4
“that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us,
who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”
If the reader is an honest seeker after the truth, he/she will immediately recognize, the Apostle Paul is not introducing strange and contradictory teachings in these passages. He is in complete harmony with all other inspired writers from Genesis to Revelation. What he is doing in these passages is, highlighting some extremely important but little understood truths:
Here is how we know this fact. In Exodus 16: 14-30 we read of how the Almighty fed Israel with manna. By the following three miracles - performed every week - Yahweh made known His Sabbath day to the whole nation.
We can be certain, it was again identified when the Messiah observed it, for just prior to his death on Calvary, the Savior categorically stated, he had kept his father's commandments (John 15: 10). He could hardly have said this if the day he had been keeping for some thirty three years was the wrong one. Besides, if he had kept the wrong day, he would have been a ‘sinner’ and that would have disqualified him from being our Savior.
We are, therefore, certain, the Savior kept the correct seventh day Sabbath.
Soon after the capture of Jerusalem in AD70, the diaspora took place. The diaspora is the scattering of the body of Jews to lands other than their own. Initially, the exiles had fled to the surrounding countries of Egypt, Syria and Phoenicia, but in the course of time, as persecution mounted, the Jews went further and further afield. Today you will find Jewish communities in every country on the face of the earth.
With them, the Jews took the Holy Scriptures and their knowledge of the true Sabbath day. Every seventh day since then, orthodox Jews all over the world have remembered the seventh day.
What do we find in this 21st century? We find, the Jews still keeping the original seventh day Sabbath, the same day they knew at the time of the diaspora, which was the same day Jesus kept.
There is absolutely no disagreement or dispute amongst the Jews - scattered as they still are - about, which day is the seventh day of the week. Every synagogue in every country is in perfect agreement, Saturday is the seventh day.
Had there been any change of the day, any loss or gain of time, any deliberate or accidental slip, any alteration in the weekly cycle, which would have resulted in the Jews in one country observing a different weekly Sabbath from Jewish believers another, then we would readily agree, the identity of the seventh day of the week was in doubt. But, we do not find that situation anywhere on earth. Instead, we have in total agreement amongst all the Jews of all nations, the day known throughout the world as Saturday is the seventh day of the week.
Those who use this argument are misinformed. Here are the facts of history. In the year 1582, the Julian calendar (named after the Emperor Julius Caesar), was found to be 10 days late when compared with the position of the sun. That is, the vernal equinox was not occurring on or about March 20/21, as it should do in a correct solar calendar. It was gradually receding towards the beginning of March. The reason for this error was, the Julian calendar worked on the basis, a year was 365¼ days in length, whereas, in truth, it is about 11 minutes more than that. Over the centuries, the 11 minute discrepancy accumulated, causing the Julian calendar to steadily recede, till by the sixteenth century, it had lost 10 days and the equinox was occurring on March 11th.
To correct this discrepancy, Pope Gregory XIII ordered, 10 days be added to the Julian calendar dates to bring them into line with the sun. The month of October was chosen for the amendment and in the calendar of 1582. That month appeared as follows:
OCTOBER 1582 | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 15 | 16 | |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 |
You will notice, the weekly cycle, the order of the days of the week, remained unchanged even though the Gregorian calendar dates had increased by ten between Thursday and Friday. In other words, in both calendars (Julian and Gregorian), the day after Thursday 4th was still a Friday.
This amendment understandably, was not very popular in some countries, mainly because, it had been organized by a Roman Catholic Pope. Several Protestant countries refused to acknowledge it and continued to use the Julian calendar; but one by one they came into line. Here is a short list of when they did:
Germany (Catholic States) | 1583 |
Germany (Protestant States) | 1700 |
Netherlands | 1700 |
England | 1752 |
Rumania, Turkey and Russia | 1919 |
In all those years, between 1582 and 1919, while both calendars were in use, the sequence, of days in the weekly cycle, was the same in every country. In other words, Sunday in Rome in 1900 was also Sunday in Russia, even though both countries were using different calendars. As each nation adopted the Georgian calendar, it simply added 10 days to its Julian Calendar date. There was no need to change the order of the days of the week, because they already agreed.
The Sabbath day, in other words, is a day, Yahweh set apart for sacred use. He wants us to remember that fact and to keep the day holy - set apart - for sacred use. How is it done? What is involved? What does one do or not do on the Sabbath?
Without attempting to pontificate on so deep a matter, and certainly with no intention of judging another believer's performance, we offer these brief guidelines about Sabbath observance. We pray to the Almighty, He will use these guidelines to fulfill in every reader the spiritual potential latent in him or her.
The Hebrew word translated, “labour” in (Exodus 20: 9),
is abad. It means, “to do,” “to
serve.” Who are we allowed to serve, what are we allowed to do on
the first six days of the week?
The answer is, “Six days
shalt thou labour (serve) and do thy work.” In other words,
you may serve your own interests for six days each week, but on the
seventh day, the Sabbath, you must stop serving your own interests and
devote the day to the service of the Almighty. Why? Because that is His
holy (qodesh) day. It has been set apart for His service, His
We find our answer in the Scriptures.
All of these activities are permissible on the Sabbath day. Indeed, these are the very things the Messiah did when He walked on this earth. Sad to say the Pharisees did not agree with the Savior on some of these points. They incorrectly supposed, He was breaking the Sabbath when He healed people. They misunderstood the fact, the Sabbath - Yahweh's qodesh day - had been set apart for that very purpose, for doing good, for doing the Almighty’s work. The Savior, however, knew what He was doing. Had He not, as the Creator, made the Sabbath in the first place? He was not only aware of which day was the Sabbath, but He also knew how to keep it. The reader will not go astray if he/she endeavors to do likewise.
There are of course, certain things, which though permissible on ordinary days, should not normally be done on the Sabbath, for example:
See Nehemiah 10: 31 and 13: 13-21, Isaiah chapter 56, also chapter 58, especially verses 13-14.
If you remember the Sabbath is Yahweh's holy day, (the portion of time, He set apart for His work) and if you rest from your own labors and interests, devoting yourself to His service, then you will be on the glorious path of Sabbath observance. What's more, you will be blessed in this world and the next in direct fulfillment of this amazing promise:
Isaiah 58: |
13: If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy
pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy
of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own
ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own
words: 14: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. |
The Hebrew word translated, “convocation” in Leviticus 23:2, is migra. It means, “a calling together” an “assembly.” In other words, wherever possible, a believer should attend a religious meeting on the Sabbath. Religious “convocations” or assemblies were called for, in order that the church may grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Most High. The seventh day of the week has been set aside for Yahweh’s service, and it is, at these commanded assemblies, His Spirit is most active. So attend a Sabbath meeting, if one is held in your area. If there is no Sabbath meeting, see how to organize a Sabbath Meeting in your area.
The Feast Days of the Most High are also days for rest and are kept in the same way as the weekly Sabbath, except, on them, extra special meals - feasts - are partaken of. These are literal banquets, as already pointed out, typify the spiritual nourishment and power Yahweh's church is scheduled to receive in the near future, when supernatural happenings similar to those, which took place on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) will again occur.
Without allowing a Feast to deteriorate into a show of gluttony, try to ensure, an extra special meal is served on the Feast day. In this way, you will declare your faith in Yahweh's breathtaking Program of Salvation, which He has made possible through His Son. Prove your desire to partake of the real spiritual banquets that He has prepared for those who serve Him.
Yahweh has made many promises to the believer, who is willing to observe His Feasts. Space does not allow us to print them all, but we will end this article with this beautiful millennial picture of multitudes of true believers keeping the Feasts of the Almighty in a Jerusalem purged of sin.
Ezekiel 36: |
33: Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day that I shall have cleansed you
from ALL your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities,
and the wastes shall be builded. 34: And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. 35: And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the Garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited. 36: Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the LORD build the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the LORD have spoken it, and I will do it. 37: Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock. 38: As the holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn feasts; so shall the waste cities be filled with flocks of men: and they shall know that I am the LORD. |