Understand the Revelation
Understand the Revelation

A Voice In The Wilderness   Prophecy   Booklet Index

The Seven Seals Of The Revelation

Seal|    Text    |WHAT THE PROPHET JOHN SAW|       THE MEANING         |Related Texts
 1  |Rev. 6:2    | A WHITE |Its rider      |This seal portrays the     |Jer. 29:17-18  
    |            |  HORSE  |carried a bow  |going forth of Yahweh's    |Matt. 24:4-5   
    |            |         |and went forth |truth to all the world.    |Luke 21:8
    |            |         |conquering and |And with the truth goes    |
    |            |         |to conquer     |the divine warnings of     |
    |            |         |               |approaching danger.        |
    |            |         |               |Warnings of false Christs, |
    |            |         |               |false prophets and false   |
    |            |         |               |doctrine                   |
    |            |         |               |                           |
 2  |Rev. 6:3-4  | A RED   |Its rider was  |This seal tells of wars,   |Matt. 24:6    
    |            | HORSE   |given a great  |revolutions and bloodshed  |Luke 21:9-10 
    |            |         |sword and      |on an unparalleled scale.  |             
    |            |         |proceeded to   |The great sword symbolises |Jer. 25:27-38
    |            |         |take peace from|world wars involving many  |
    |            |         |the earth.     |nations.                   |
 3  |Rev. 6:5-6  | A BLACK |Its rider held |This seal brings to view   |Matt. 24:7
    |            |  HORSE  |a pair of      |world-wide famines when    |Luke 21:11
    |            |         |scales and     |prices for even the barest |
    |            |         |weighed out    |life's necessities will    |
    |            |         |food at        |spiral out of control. (A  |
    |            |         |extremely high |whole day's wages for two  |
    |            |         |prices (eg. a  |measures of wheat.         |
    |            |         |whole day's    |                           |
    |            |         |wages for two  |                           |
    |            |         |measures of    |                           |
    |            |         |wheat).        |                           |
 4  |Rev. 6:7-8  | A PALE, |Its rider's    |This seal symbolises       |Matt. 24:7
    |            | SICKLY  |name was Death |pestilences and disease    |Luke 21:11
    |            | HORSE   |and Hell       |epidemics of various kinds |
    |            |         |followed him.  |which will lay low millions|
    |            |         |               |of people                  |
 5  |Rev. 6:9-11 |  SOULS  |Souls were     |This seal reveals a further|Matt. 24:9-10
    |            |UNDER THE|heard crying   |persecution of God's       |Luke 21:12-19
    |            |  ALTAR  |for justice.   |people, a persecution as   |
    |            |         |They were told |intense as any which       |
    |            |         |to wait for a  |occurred in the past.      |
    |            |         |while till a   |                           |
    |            |         |further        |                           |
    |            |         |martyrdom took |                           |
    |            |         |place.         |                           |
 6  |Rev. 6:12-17|CELESTIAL|1. A great     |These are literal signs in |Matt. 24:29 
    |            |  SIGNS  |   earthquake. |the physical universe. When|Luke 21:25-2
    |            |         |2. The sun     |they occur blind panic will|Jer. 4:23-28    
    |            |         |   turned      |overtake the inhabitants of|
    |            |         |   black.      |the world.                 |
    |            |         |3. The moon    |                           |
    |            |         |   turned      |Note: The Messiah does not |
    |            |         |   blood-red.  |return to earth during this|
    |            |         |4. The stars   |seal.                      |
    |            |         |   (meteorites)|                           |
    |            |         |   fell.       |                           |
    |            |         |5. The sky     |                           |
    |            |         |   was rolled  |                           |
    |            |         |   back as a   |                           |
    |            |         |   scroll.     |                           |
    |            |         |6. Earth's     |                           |
    |            |         |   population  |                           |
    |            |         |   was         |                           |
    |            |         |   terrified.  |                           |
 Revelation 7 is |   THE   |By divine      |The Signature of Yahweh the|Eze. 20:12&20   
 inserted between| SEALING |authority the  |God of Israel is the       |Exodus 13:9
 Seals 6 & 7     |    OF   |devastation of |Sabbath days in the sacred |Exodus 31:13-17
                 | YAHWEH'S|the earth, the |calendar. These are the    |Ezekiel 9
                 | SERVANTS|sea and the    |seventh day of the week    |
                 |         |trees was      |(Saturday) and the seven   |
                 |         |delayed till   |annual Sabbaths as         |
                 |         |the servants of|specified in Lev. 23. Each |
                 |         |God were sealed|one is a sacred memorial of|
                 |         |in their       |a divine achievement in the|
                 |         |foreheads and  |plan of Salvation. In short|
                 |         |right hands.   |Yahweh seals His people    |
                 |         |144,000        |with obedience.            |
                 |         |Israelites were|                           |
                 |         |sealed.        |                           |
 7  |Rev. 8:7    | TRUMPETS|A third of the |This damaging of the earth,|
    |            |    1    |sea, a third of|the sea and the trees will |
    |            |         |the trees and  |only tak eplace after the  |
    |            |         |all the green  |sealing work is completed  |
    |            |         |grass were     |(Rev. 7:3). The Trumpets,  |
    |            |         |burned.        |in other words, cannot even|
    |--------------------------------------|commence their destruction |
    |Rev. 8:8-9  |         |A third of the |till all 144,000 Israelites|
    |            |         |sea became like|are sealed.                |
    |            |         |the blood of a |                           |
    |            |    2    |dead man. A    |When the Trumpets          |
    |            |         |third of the   |eventually do sound, a time|
    |            |         |fish perished  |of great devastation will  |
    |            |         |and a third of |begin on earth.            |
    |            |         |the ships sank.|                           |
    |--------------------------------------|The terms earth, sea,      |
    |Rev. 8:10-11|         |A third of the |trees, grass, fish, ships  |
    |            |         |rivers of water|etc. may have symbolic as  |
    |            |    3    |were made      |well as literal meanings.  |
    |            |         |bitter and many|But it must be remembered  |
    |            |         |people died.   |that ONE THIRD OF MANKIND  |
    |--------------------------------------|are slain at Trumpet No. 6,|
    |Rev. 8:12   |         |The sun, moon  |so it is most unlikely that|
    |            |         |and the stars  |these terms also represent |
    |            |    4    |were then      |mankind.                   |
    |            |         |darkened by a  |                           |
    |            |         |third.         |                           |
    |Rev. 9:1-12 |         |The Bottomless |The Abyss is a place - or  |Luke 8:30-33 
    |            |         |Pit (Abyss) was|condition - in which God   |2 Peter 2:4  
    |            |         |then opened and|has	imprisoned a host of   |Jude 6      
    |            |         |an evil host   |evil angels. Abaddon, the  |
    |            |         |led by Abaddon |King of the Abyss, is a    |
    |            |         |the King of the|demon of great depravity.  |
    |            |         |Abyss came     |At this Trumpet, he is     |
    |            |         |forth. They    |given leave to torture and |
    |            |         |proceeded to   |brutalise mankind for 5    |
    |            |         |torture all    |months: that is, all except|
    |            |    5    |mankind for    |the servants of the Most   |
    |            |FIRST WOE|five months -  |High who accepted the Seal |
    |            |         |all except     |of God in their foreheads  |
    |            |         |those who had  |and right hands (minds and |
    |            |         |received       |actions) at the time of the|
    |            |         |Yahweh's Seal  |sealing.                   |
    |            |         |at the time of |                           |
    |            |         |the sealing.   |                           |
    |            |         |These believers|                           |
    |            |         |were           |                           |
    |            |         |supernaturally |                           |
    |            |         |protected from |                           |
    |            |         |Abaddon's      |                           |
    |            |         |power.         |                           |
    |Rev. 9:13 to|    6    |Four mighty    |During this seal, ONE THIRD|Daniel 7:25    
    |Rev. 11:14  |  SECOND |angels were    |OF MANKIND will be slain.  |Daniel 12      
    |            |   WOE   |then loosed    |The Beast, who we are told |Rev. 12:6-14   
    |            |         |from the Great |also rises from the Abyss, |Rev. 13        
    |            |         |River          |could well be Abaddon the  |Zech. 14:1-2   
    |            |         |Euphrates.     |Destroyer, the Lawless One,|2 Thess. 2:1-17
    |            |         |Aided by a     |the Son of Hell, the       |
    |            |         |force of       |Exterminator from the      |
    |            |         |200,000 they   |Bottomless Pit. His mark   |
    |            |         |killed ONE     |is the age-old counterfeit |
    |            |         |THIRD OF       |of Yahweh's Signature and  |
    |            |         |MANKIND. At    |will again manifest itself |
    |            |         |this time the  |when the bogus sabbaths of |
    |            |         |holy city is   |Christendom (Sunday,       |
    |            |         |trampled under |Christmas, Easter etc.)    |
    |            |         |foot for a     |are enforced by law        |
    |            |         |period of 42   |throughout the world.      |
    |		 |	   |months (3½     |                           |
    |            |         |years).        |                           |
    |            |         |               |                           |
    |            |         |Yahweh's Two   |                           |
    |            |         |Witnesses also |                           |
    |            |         |preach to the  |                           |
    |            |         |world during   |                           |
    |            |         |this 42 month  |                           |
    |            |         |period.        |                           |
    |            |         |               |                           |
    |            |         |At the end of  |                           |
    |            |         |this woe the   |                           |
    |            |         |Beast who      |                           |
    |            |         |ascends from   |                           |
    |            |         |out of the     |                           |
    |            |         |Abyss will kill|                           |
    |            |         |the Two        |                           |
    |            |         |Witnesses; but |                           |
    |            |         |after 3½ days  |                           |
    |            |         |they are       |                           |
    |            |         |resurrected and|                           |
    |            |         |carried to     |                           |
    |            |         |heaven in great|                           |
    |            |         |glory.         |                           |
    |Rev. 11:15  |    7    |This is a time |Yahshua, the Son of God,   |Matt. 24:30     
    |            |THIRD WOE|for God's      |will return to earth at    |Rev. 19:11-21   
    |            |         |anger, his     |this Last Trumpet.	       |        
    |            |         |judgment of    |         		       |1 Thess. 4:14-17
    |            |         |the nations and|The Beast will vainly      |
    |            |         |the rewarding  |attempt to make war with   |
    |            |         |of his saints. |the returning Christ, but  |
    |            |         |At this Trumpet|he will perish in the      |
    |            |         |the kingdoms of|attempt. The Messiah's     |
    |            |         |this world will|millenial reign of peace   |
    |            |         |pass to their  |will then begin.           |
    |            |         |rightful ruler,|                           |
    |            |         |the Messiah of |                           |
    |            |         |Israel.        |                           |

A Voice In The Wilderness   Prophecy   Booklet Index

Author: Elder: David B. Loughran - Stewarton Bible School - Stewarton Scotland
A Voice In The Wilderness - USA
First published 1983 / Placed on the Internet 1996 / Updated: 1998 / Reformatted / 2002