“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins...”
( Isaiah 58: 1)

Year 2000 ... Y2K

Y2K … Year 2000

1. Introduction

Most adults in the west have heard about the ‘millennium bug’ and the computer chaos that is expected to occur on the 1st January in the year 2000, also known as Y2K. (Y=Year, 2K=2000) Absolute chaos is predicted. Though the vast majority of computers world-wide are not Y2K compliant, It will be a NON colossal event. January 1st 2000 will come and go more or less as before. Sure, there will be computer problems; but nothing like the global chaos that is expected. Companies dealing in defence, hospitals, banks, travel & insurance, water etc. will obviously be badly hit (IF) their programs are unable to cope with the change over from 1999 to 2000. So too will small businesses using non-compliant hardware and software. But total disaster on January 1st 2000 is not something the ordinary citizen should be worrying about.

2. What Is The Millennium Bug?

The ‘millennium bug’ is not a computer virus. It is a term used to describe a computer's (or program's) inability to handle a 4 digit year in a computer file's date field. For example: a program using a 2 digit year in a date field (i.e. 31/12/99) would the next day on 1st January show the date as 01/01/00 and this incorrect date could be mistaken for the 1st January 1900. That is where the problem lies. In other words, non-compliant hardware and software would be unable to cope with a 4 digit year; and after year 99 the dates would go back to year 00.

3. Short Sightedness

Why didn't those early computer folk foresee this date problem some 40 or 50 years ago when they first designed their programs? The answer is because they didn't think that the programs they were producing would still be in use in 1999. For them the year 2000 was as far away as the year 9999 is to us; when a similar changeover to the year 10000 will occur. The year 10000 will need a 5 digit year; but it's so far away it just doesn't bear thinking about. It was like that in the early 1940s, 50s and 60s, when only 2 digits were allocated for the year in a date field. The year 1999 was so far away!

4. Buying In Food

Will there be chaos throughout the world in January 2000? NO. Undoubtedly there will be serious problems in some areas; but the world is not going to grind to a halt in January 2000. That much is certain. It may be a good idea to buy in some food to last over the ‘potentially problem period of a few weeks;’ but, we repeat, the world is not going to grind to a halt in January 2000.

5. Will Jesus Christ Return In Y2K?

Millions of Christians believe that Jesus Christ will return to earth in the year 2000 or, at the latest, in the year 2001. Others teach that when he rose from his grave he didn't go to his Father in heaven; but went to the Himalayan mountains in Tibet and that he will return from there and reveal himself to the world in the year 2000 or 2001. Others teach that he travelled to the USA.

The Bible answer is: The Savior ascended to heaven after his resurrection; (Mark 16: 19) but no man or angel knows the day when he will return to earth.

Matthew 24: 36: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”

6. The Millennium

The Bible millennium is not to be confused with the year 2000. They are two separate events and start at very different times.

7. The Secret Rapture

“But,” We can hear many believers cry out in horror. “What about the Rapture? Aren’t we Christians going to be caught away to heaven seven years before Jesus returns?” Believe it or not, that is not what the Scriptures teach. The Scriptures teach that the church will go through the tribulation (Revelation 7: 13-17) and that Jesus will return to earth at the 7th or last trump, which will sound at the end of the 7th Seal of Revelation.

8. Await These Events Before Yeshua Returns

Very briefly here are a few - of many - things which still have to occur before Jesus Christ returns to earth:

9. Have We Nothing to Fear?

Does this mean that everything is going to be fine? Certainly not. Our world is in for some terrifying events; but they will not be caused by the ‘millennium bug.’ If you are really interested in the future, read our booklet entitled Understand the Revelation. It will open your eyes to coming events which will make the ‘millennium bug’ appear like a harmless moth.

10. Summary

Will there be chaos throughout the world in January 2000? NO. Undoubtedly there will be serious problems in some areas; but the world is not going to grind to a halt in January 2000.


In The Son's Name, For The Father's Glory

A Voice In The Wilderness - USA