A Voice In The Wilderness - USA computer files and printed
literature are in the public domain and bear no copyright.
This allows you complete freedom to download, print and reproduce
our publications. The only condition we make is, if A Voice In
The Wilderness - USA name remains as the publisher on an article,
then no changes can be made to the article’s content.
In effect, we do not want anyone altering our writings and making it
appear, we are saying something we never intended. You may, if you
wish, remove our name from our publications and use the content under
your own group's name. No changes please, if A Voice In The
Wilderness - USA or its founder's name remains as publisher or
Bear in mind, however, our no-copyright policy does not cover
lengthy quotations (over 200 words) of other authors. In order to
print those quotations in your publications, you will need to write
to the authors or publishers concerned for permission. The publisher's
names and addresses appear at the end of our booklets for example.
Response to our no-copyright policy has been very
encouraging. A Voice In The Wilderness - USA literature and
computer files are being copied and distributed by believers in many
countries. The Internet now extends availability to millions
of people! The Holy Ghost is working on individuals and entire
congregations. Every week brings fresh evidence of this fact. Praise
Yahweh’s holy name!
Our publications are, after all, Yahweh's work and A Voice In The
Wilderness - USA is very grateful, He has allowed us a part in it.
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah),
you are now invited to download, copy and distribute
these truths for the people in your area. Truth is an
extremely powerful weapon in the warfare against ignorance, poverty
and sin.
Make use of the Truth you find at this site by reproducing it for
your community. Remember, you are free to remove our name and use
your own. If you change the article in any way, then make sure our
name is removed. In other words:
A Voice In The Wilderness - USA material has no copyright
if you copy it right!
Translating A Voice In The Wilderness - USA Literature
In addition to our no-copyright policy, you are hereby
given permission to translate, A Voice In The Wilderness - USA
publications into a foreign language. There is one condition in
this respect. It is:
You clearly state, you are the translator and
publisher of the translated work. In other words, your name
and address must appear on the translation as translator and
May the Almighty bless you in your efforts to spread the
Truth in your area.
In The Son's Name, For The Father's Glory
A Voice In The Wilderness - USA