“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;
prove your own selves...”
Examine Yourselves Index
The Answers to the following Questions can be found in the lessons of
Module 3.
Question 1: |
Yahweh's mercy is everlasting; but what must we do to receive it?
See Lesson 1 for the answer.
Question 2: |
Our heavenly father is in the business of “Salvation & Sanctification.”
What work are you doing in the Family business?
See Lesson 2 for the answer.
Question 3: |
We are told that the Holy Spirit works through man's conscience.
But what “divine instrument” does He use to convict a person of
“sin, righteousness” and “judgment?”
See Lesson 3 for the answer.
Question 4: |
Yahweh uses holy angels to perform certain duties.
Name some of those duties and how they may concern you and your family.
See Lesson 4 for the answer.
Question 5: |
In the spiritual warfare against the diseases caused by sin,
where in the Bible are Jehovah's “health warnings” found?
See Lesson 5 for the answer.
Question 6: |
We know that eternal salvation is only possible through faith in
the Lord Jesus Christ. But why does the Most High allow His
servants to suffer so much; what lesson is He trying to teach us?
See Lesson 6 for the answer.
Question 7: |
If you are certain that we are living in the “Last Days”
then name some of the “Signs of the Savior's return:” political,
natural, social and spiritual.
See Lesson 7 for the answer.
Question 8: |
Perseverance in prayer always produces a happy ending.
But what is the result of a wilful and persistent rejection of Truth?
See Lesson 8 for the answer.
Question 9: |
Psalm 23 overflows with many spiritual gems of Truth.
In your opinion what is the dearest?
See Lesson 9 for the answer.
Question 10: |
Truth is an extremely potent power. Like the tiny atom it may appear
of small account or be held by some seemingly insignificant person;
but it is powerful beyond imagination. What Biblical stories confirm these facts?
See Lesson 10 for the answer.
Question 11: |
The Savior's name is “Emmanuel;” which means “God with us.”
Name 10 Bible characters “God was with.”
See Lesson 11 for the answer.
Question 12: |
Taking bad advice can be dangerous, if not fatal. In spiritual
matters where can the best advice be found?
See Lesson 12 for the answer.
In The Son's Name, For The Father's Glory
A Voice In The Wilderness - USA