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“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;
prove your own selves...”

Examine Yourselves Index

The Answers to the following Questions can be found in the lessons of Module 13.

Question 1: Yahweh, the Almighty God of Israel has only “ONE” church on earth. Who is the Head of this Church; who maintains the Church Register and who appoints the various officials that operate in this “ONE” Church?
See Lesson 1 for the answer.

Question 2: Resurrection from the dead, and eternal life thereafter with God, is by far the greatest prize any believer can aim for. What guarantees and proof concerning the resurrection do we have that the Almighty is able to deliver what He has promised in his Word?
See Lesson 2 for the answer.

Question 3: “Living faith” in the LORD God of Abraham, the Father of our Savior Yeshua the Messiah, is absolutely essential if one is to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. How can one tell the difference between “living faith” and “presumption” - or “dead faith?” Give three examples from the Scriptures of “living faith.”
See Lesson 3 for the answer.

Question 4: “Gabriel” and “Michael” are two mighty archangels who stand in the very presence of the LORD. They personally deliver important messages to the people of God. When a dispute arose between Satan and Michael concerning the body of Moses, Michael called upon the “Lord” to rebuke Satan. Who is the “Man in Linen” described in Daniel chapter 10; and who is the “Lord?”
See Lesson 4 for the answer.

Question 5: The “Hour of Temptation” will be a unique test of “faith” and “obedience” which will come to the inhabitants of the whole world - at the same time. It will be similar to the “Day of Temptation” which came to ancient Israel in the desert of Sinai. What do you think this prophecy concerning the “Hour of Temptation” is referring to?
See Lesson 5 for the answer.

Question 6: The Bible abounds with spectacular stories about God's power to deliver His people. The point is: Do you personally believe that Jehovah can deliver YOU from being devoured by that hungry lion Satan. Give two Bible examples of deliverance from lions.
See Lesson 6 for the answer.

Question 7: No matter how he tried, the prophet Balaam was unable to reverse the blessings of Yahweh on the people of Israel. But he knew one way which would bring down divine punishment on the people of God. What was that way and what was the result when Israel took it? What punishment did Balaam eventually receive for giving his deadly advice?
See Lesson 7 for the answer.

Question 8: In impossible situations we do well to remember that “With God all things are possible.” When faced with an impossible situation, what did king Hezekiah do and what were the results?
See Lesson 8 for the answer.

Question 9: The “Song of Moses” is a prophetic folk song, a love song, which will tell through eternity the story of salvation. It tells of Israel's unfaithfulness and punishment. How does the “Song of Moses” end?
See Lesson 9 for the answer.

Question 10: Scripture tells us: “There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.” How can an individual obtain real peace; what must he/she do?
See Lesson 10 for the answer.

Question 11: A “breach” is a broken section or gap in a wall, a fence or a hedge. In warfare or agriculture, a breach is a place where the enemy comes in to destroy or where the sheep break out and get lost. In spiritual matters, what are the “breaches” that true believers must repair?
See Lesson 11 for the answer.

Question 12: Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, prostitution, incest, rape etc. are rampant throughout the world. We live in a “sex-crazed society.” No one can deny that fact. Who alone in all the universe is qualified to “legislate” on sexual behavior and when will “illegal” sexual behavior be finally punished?
See Lesson 12 for the answer.

Exam 12       Examine Yourself

In The Son's Name, For The Father's Glory

A Voice In The Wilderness - USA