Text Based On Matthew Chapter 12
For the Son of man is Lord even of the
sabbath day.
AVITW Hymnal – Page No. 316
Words: Philip Doddridge: 1702-1751
Music: William Gardiner: 1770-1853
Germany. L.M.
Lord of The Sabbath, Hear Us Pray
Lord of the Sabbath, hear us pray,
In this Thy house, on this Thy day;
And own, as grateful sacrifice,
The songs which from Thy temple rise.
Now met to pray and bless Thy Name,
Whose mercies flow each day the same;
Whose kind compassions never cease,
We seek instruction, pardon, peace.
Thy earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love,
But there’s a nobler rest above;
To that our labouring souls aspire
With ardent hope and strong desire.
In Thy blest kingdom we shall be
From every mortal trouble free;
No sighs shall mingle with the songs
Resounding from immortal tongues.
No rude alarms of raging foes;
No cares to break the long repose;
No midnight shade, no waning moon,
But sacred, high, eternal noon.
O long expected day, begin,
Dawn on these realms of woe and sin!
Break, morn of God, upon our eyes;
And let the world’s true Sun arise!