Text Based On John Chapter 16
And ye now therefore have sorrow:
but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice,
and your joy no man taketh from you.
My Soul's Bowed Down With Heavy Cares
My soul's bowed down with heavy cares,
My flesh with pain oppressed;
My couch is witness to my tears,
My tears forbid my rest.
Sorrow and pain wear out my days;
I waste the night with cries,
Counting the minutes as they pass,
Till the slow morning rise.
Shall I be still tormented more?
Mine eye consumed with grief?
How long, my God, how long before
Thine hand afford relief?
He hears when dust and ashes speak,
He pities all our groans;
He saves us for His mercy's sake,
And heals our broken bones.
The virtue of His sov'reign Word
Restores our fainting breath;
For silent graves praise not the Lord,
Nor is He known in death.