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A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

Text Based On Colossians Chapter 2
In whom are hid all the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge.

My Bible, Precious Treasure

My Bible, precious treasure!
Worth more than gems or gold;
Be it my choicest treasure
Thy covers to unfold.
Thy fair illumined pages
With God’s own glory shine;
Down through the long, long ages,
It gleams in ev’ry line.

My precious Bible! ’tis a book divine,
Where heavenly truth and mercy shine,
And wisdom speaks in ev’ry line,
Speaks to me, speaks to me,
Speaks good news to me.

For God’s exceeding glory,
His very life is love;
All through His sacred story
Its splendor is inwove.
It glows in man’s creation,
And O! more radiant still,
In His complete salvation,
From sin and mortal ill.


I read and weep and wonder,
How God, a holy God,
Could still the law’s wild thunder,
With mercy, gentle word.
How raise the pale transgressor,
Bow low with pain and fear,
And make him Heav’n’s possessor,
With Christ, the Son, an heir.


O, marvelous relation!
O, tender, pitying love!
Of saints the admiration,
The song of host above.
Be this my wondrous story,
My daily, fresh delight,
And in this flood of glory,
My soul be ever bright.


A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

A Voice In The Wilderness - USA