Text Based On Psalms Chapter 2
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry,
and ye perish from the way, when his
wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed
are all they that put their trust in him.
Wherefore Do The Nations Rage
Wherefore do the nations rage,
And the people vainly dream,
That in triumph they can wage
War against the Lord supreme?
His Anointed they deride,
And the rulers plotting say:
Their dominion be defied,
Let us cast their bonds away.
But the Lord will scorn them all,
Calm He sits enthroned on high;
Soon His wrath will on them fall,
Angered then He will reply:
Yet according to My will
I have set My King to reign,
And on Zion's holy hill
Mine Anointed I maintain.
This the word declared to me,
This Jehovah's firm decree:
Thou art my beloved Son,
Yea, I have begotten Thee.
Ask and have Thy full demands,
Thine shall all the heathen be,
Thine the utmost of the lands,
They shall be possessed of Thee.
Dash them like a potter's urn,
Thou shalt break them with a rod.
Therefore, kings and judges, learn
Anxiously to serve thy God.
Kiss the Son and worship Him,
Lest ye perish in the way;
Blest are all who trust in Him,
Yea, supremely blest are they.