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A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

Text Based On Mark Chapter 2
And he said unto them,
The sabbath was made for man,
and not man for the sabbath:

A Few More Sabbaths Here

A few more years shall roll,
A few more seasons come,
And we shall be with those that rest
Asleep within the tomb.

Then, O my Lord, prepare
My soul for that great day.
O wash me in Thy precious blood,
And take my sins away.

A few more suns shall set
O'er these dark hills of time,
And we shall be where suns are not
A far serener clime.

Then, O my Lord, prepare
My soul for that blest day.
O wash me in Thy precious blood,
And take my sins away.

A few more storms shall beat
On this wild rocky shore,
And we shall be where tempests cease,
And surges swell no more.

Then, O my Lord, prepare
My soul for that calm day.
O wash me in Thy precious blood,
And take my sins away.

A few more struggles here,
A few more partings o'er,
A few more toils, a few more tears,
And we shall weep no more.

Then, O my Lord, prepare
My soul for that bright day.
O wash me in Thy precious blood,
And take my sins away.

A few more Sabbaths here
Shall cheer us on our way,
And we shall reach the endless rest,
Th'eternal Sabbath day;

Then, O my Lord, prepare
My soul for that sweet day.
O wash me in Thy precious blood,
And take my sins away.

Tis but a little while,
And He shall come again
Who died that we might live, Who lives
That we with Him may reign;

Then, O my Lord, prepare
My soul for that glad day.
O wash me in Thy precious blood,
And take my sins away.

A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

A Voice In The Wilderness - USA