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A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

Text Based On Psalms Chapter 73
How are they brought into desolation, as in a
moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors.

Like Smoke They Fade Away

A little that the righteous hold
Is better than the wealth untold
Of many wicked men;
Destroyed shall be their arm of pride,
But they who in the Lord confide
Shall be upholden then.

He knows the days the perfect live
To them a heritage will give
Which ever shall abide;
In evil times no shame they know,
And in the days of famine's woe
They shall be satisfied.

Although the wicked prospered seem,
At last they vanish like a dream
And perish in a day;
Jehovah's foes shall soon appear
Like fields once fair, now brown and sere;
Like smoke they fade away.

They borrow oft and not pay back;
But righteous men do nothing lack,
And give with gracious hand;
Those cursed by Him shall be destroyed,
But such as have His grace enjoyed,
They shall possess the land.

A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

A Voice In The Wilderness - USA