Text Based On Matthew Chapter 26
Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray
to my Father,and he shall presently give
me more than twelve legions of angels?
The Gospel's Glorious Banner
Hark, the sound of coming legions,
O how joyful is the sound,
Tis the children's army marching,
On the Master's errands bound.
See their faces all are glowing
With the joyous light of youth
As they're marching, onward marching
For the cause of right and truth.
Hark, the tramp of coming legions,
O how joyful is the sound,
Tis the children's army marching,
On the Master's errands bound.
Hark, the tramp of coming legions,
Hosts of Satan now must quail,
They must scatter in confusion
When this army shall prevail.
At the summons of their Master,
See His children fall in line,
Marching on with glad endeavour,
Trusting in HIs help divine.
Hark, the tramp of coming legions,
Marching onward millions strong,
They shall surely be victorious
O'er the hosts of sin and wrong.
Ever loyal to their Master,
Strong their hearts shall be and brave,
Till the Gospel's glorious banner
Over all the world shall wave.