Text Based On Matthew Chapter 9
Then touched he their eyes, saying,
According to your faith be it unto you.
Claim The Promise
Never let a shade of care rest on thy brow,
Ye can have the Savior’s helping hand just now;
He has promised if His Word ye will believe,
That according to thy faith thou shalt receive.
Claim the promise, plead it o’er and o’er;
On His Word lay hold as ne’er before;
Claim the promise, plead it o’er and o’er;
Let thy faith be mightier than e’er before.
He has called thee in the world to shine for Him,
Never need the brightness of thy life grow dim;
He has promised evermore He will bestow
All that ye may need to keep thy light aglow.
When the erring feet ye seek to guide aright
From the paths of darkness into His own light,
He has promised pow’r to give thee from above
As ye tell the story of His wondrous love.
When at last thy service for Him here shall cease,
And He bids thee rise to realms of endless peace,
He has promised thy reward on high shall be
Far beyond all telling thro’ eternity.