Text Based On Matthew Chapter 19
But Jesus beheld them, and said unto
them, With men this is impossible; but
with God all things are possible.
Go To The Deeps of God's Promise
Go to the deeps of God's promise;
Ask freely of Him, and receive;
All good may be had for the asking,
If, seeking, you truly believe.
Go to the deeps of God's promise;
There's wideness of meaning untold
In the promises given His people,
And the treasures they ever unfold.
Go to the deeps of God's promise;
And know of His wonderful might;
Whatever would be a true blessing,
For Jesus' sake, comes as thy right.
Go to the deeps of God's promise;
The blessing is never denied;
He loves, and remembers His children,
And every good thing is supplied.
Go to the deeps of God's promise;
And claim whatsoever ye will;
The blessing of God will not fail thee,
His Word He will surely fulfill.