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A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

Text Based On Matthew Chapter 25
But the wise took oil in their vessels
with their lamps.

At The Midnight Hour!

Let your lamps be trimmed and burning,
Lest your feet may go astray!
If you are the Lord's disciple,
Unto sinners show the way!

We'll go out with joy to meet Him,
We'll go out with joy to meet Him,
At the midnight hour;
If our lamps are trimmed and burning,
When He cometh, when He cometh,
At the midnight hour!

Let your lamps be trimmed and burning,
Let there be of oil no lack!
Be not like the foolish virgins,
From the entrance driven back!


Let your lamps be trimmed and burning,
Burning for eternity!
Ready for the Lord's appearing,
Whensoever it may be!


Let your lamps be trimmed and burning,
For the midnight draweth near!
When the Bridegroom quickly cometh,
And we all His voice shall hear!


A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

A Voice In The Wilderness - USA