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A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

Text Based On Romans Chapter 13
And that, knowing the time, that now it
is high time to awake out of sleep: for
now is our salvation nearer than when we

O Church of God, Awake, Awake !

O Church of God, awake, awake;
Seize fast thy sword and gird with might!
The hosts of darkness mighty are,
And bold and strong they press the fight;
But see thy Captain leads thee on,
He Who hath conquered ev’ry foe.
Thou needst not fear, but follow fast
And go with Him where He shall go.

Awake, awake, O Church of God;
Arouse in might, to battle go!
See, see, the hosts of darkness stand,
And gathers fast the bane haughty foe!
Awake! awake for Christ thy Lord,
Awake! gird on the shield and sword.
Press hard the fight, no respite make;
O Church of God, awake, awake!

The bars of death He tore apart;
The stone, the guard, Ah what were they
When He shall rise, the mighty Lord
And usher in the triumph day?
He, Who arose in might and pow’r
And lives a victor over all,
Will lead thee on to victory
If thou but hear his battle call.


Up then, resolve to valiant be,
And force the fight till it is won;
Stay not thy hand, and thou shalt win
Since Christ, thy Captain, leads thee on.
What tho’ the conflict long may be,
And when thy weapons are laid down,
Thou shalt be wounded, weak and worn?
Thy Lord in honour thee shalt crown.


A Voice In The Wilderness - AVITW Hymnal

A Voice In The Wilderness - USA