Text Based On Psalms Chapter 119
The entrance of thy words giveth light;
it giveth understanding unto the simple.
Who Keepeth Not God's Word
Who keepeth not God’s Word, yet saith,
“I know the Lord,” is wrong;
In him is not that blessèd faith
Through which the truth is strong;
But he who hears and keeps Thy Word,
Is not of this world, but of God.
The faith His Word hath caused to shine
Will kindle love in thee;
More wouldst thou know of things divine,
Deeper thy love must be;
True faith not only gives thee light,
But strength to love and do the right.
Jesus hath washed away our sin,
And we are children now;
Who feels such hope as this within,
To evil cannot bow;
Rather with Christ all scorn endure,
So we be like our Maker pure!
For he doth please the Father well
Who simply can obey;
In him the love of God doth dwell
Who steadfast keeps His way;
A daily active life of love,
Such fruits a living faith must prove.
He is in God, and God in him,
Who still abides in love;
Tis love that makes the cherubim
Obey and praise above;
For God is love, the loveless heart
Hath in His life and joy no part.