Text Based On Genesis Chapter 2
And on the seventh day God ended his
work which he had made; and he rested on the
seventh day from all his work which he had made.
Thy Day of Sabbath Rest
Again returns Thy day of Sabbath rest
Which, when Thou made the world, Jehovah blessed;
When, like His own, Thou bade our labours cease,
And all be holiness, and all be peace.
Let us devote Thy sacred Sabbath day
To learn Thy will, and all we learn obey;
So shalt Thou hear, when fervently we raise
Our supplications and our songs of praise.
Father in Heaven, in Whom our hopes confide,
Whose power defends us, and Whose precepts guide,
In life our Guardian, and in death our Friend,
Glory supreme be Thine till time shall end.