Text Based On 1 Peter Chapter 1
Who are kept by the power of God
through faith unto salvation ready
to be revealed in the last time.
Kept For Jesus!
Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Kept, by the pow’r of God;
Kept from the world unspotted,
Treading where Jesus trod.
Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Lord, at Thy feet I fall;
I would be “nothing, nothing, nothing”;
Thou shall be “all in all.”
Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Serving as He shall choose;
“Kept” for the Master’s pleasure;
“Kept” for the Master’s use.
Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Kept from the world apart;
Lowly in mind and spirit,
Gentle and pure in heart.
Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”
Oh, to be all His own;
Kept, to be His forever,
Kept, to be His alone!