The Sacred Calendar Of The God Of Israel
The Sacred Calendar Of The God Of Israel

A Voice In The Wilderness   Calendar Page   The Almighty's Feast Days

The Annual Sabbaths of Yahweh

Years 2000 - 2005

CIVIL YEAR New Moon (conjunction) Times A likely first sighting at Jerusalem on New Year's Day First Day of Unleavened Bread Last Day of Unleavened Bread Feast of Pentecost Feast of Trumpets Fast of Atonement First Day of Tabernacles Last Great Day of Tabernacles
2000 * Abib 6 March 05:18 7 March 8 March 22 March 28 March 11 May 31 August 9 September 14 September 21 September
Ethanim 29 August 10:20 30 August
2001 Abib 25 March 01:22 25 March 26 March 9 April 15 April 29 May 19 September 28 September 3 October 10 October
Ethanim 17 Sept. 10:28 18 Sept.
2002 Abib 14 March 02:04 14 March 15 March 29 March 4 April 18 May 8 September 17 September 22 September 29 September
Ethanim 7 Sept. 03:11 7 Sept.
2003 Abib 1 April 19:20 2 April 3 April 17 April 23 April 6 June 27 September 6 October 11 October 18 October
Ethanim 26 Sept. 03:10 26 Sept.
2004 Abib 20 March 22:42 21 March 22 March 5 April 11 April 25 May 16 September 25 September 30 September 7 October
Ethanim 14 Sept. 14:30 15 Sept.
2005 * Abib 10 March 09:12 11 March 12 March 26 March 1 April 15 May 5 September 14 September 19 September 26 September
Ethanim 3 Sept. 18:46 4 Sept.

Conjunction Times are reproduced with permission from data supplied by the Science Research Council, UK

NOTE: Asterisks (*) beside the years 2000 and 2005 in the chart above mean that the sacred calendar year will be started one month earlier than in the popular Jewish calendar. See below for Alternative Dates.

Why the Difference?

The answer is because A Voice In The Wilderness - USA starts the year with the new moon nearest the true Spring equinox (20th March.) Several Questions concerning the sacred calendar are answered in Part Two of the booklet entitled The Sacred Calendar of the God of Israel. Please study those answers before submitting further questions.

As stated in the Calendar booklet concerning First Visibility:
It is not possible to infallibly predict the exact date and time of the first sighting of a new moon. Greenwich Observatory in England confirms this fact. Therefore when setting up a calendar in advance, it is necessary to proceed using all the known facts at one's disposal; facts such as

Besides these there are other factors which must be considered.
They are:

3. THE YEARS 2000 & 2005
You will notice from the chart above that in these years AVITW has started the year a month before the popular Jewish calendar. The reason is that we have selected the new moon nearest the true equinox (20th March) to begin Abib (Nisan). In year 2000 this conjunction occurs on 6th March at 7.18 hours (Jerusalem Time) and the new moon is expected to be seen on the evening of 7th March or the morning of the 8th March, thus making 8th March the 1st Abib. The full moon in this month will occur on 20th March 2000, which exactly coincides with the equinox date. This could be significant!

Celestial/Spiritual Passovers
By starting the year on the 8th March in year 2000, the Passover Service will be observed just after the Spring Equinox; which means that the literal sun will be passing-over the equator at about the same time as believers will be celebrating the spiritual Passover Service on the 14th Abib. This coincidence of the celestial and spiritual Passovers is rare!

Many believers become polarised about the matter of keeping the correct Feast days. It is, of course, vitally important; and that is why AVITW makes such an effort to get it right. But let no one forget that the GREAT FEASTS (the realities to which all the current feasts point) will be miraculously highlighted by signs in the sun, moon and stars! We will not then be dependant upon computer printout, or the knowledge and skill of leaders feverishly arguing amongst themselves as to who is correct.

In the near future there shall be SIGNS IN THE SKY which will clearly mark out the correct feasts, sacred seasons or Sabbatical Year just as they did when the Savior hung on the cross. On that occasion the sun went out for over three hours. That was no eclipse by any means; for an eclipse only lasts a few minutes.

Matt.27: 45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.

When the Savior died on that memorable day, even the Roman soldier confessed:

" Truly this man was the Son of God."
It will be the same in the near future; the promised signs in the sun, moon and stars will mark out the sacred times for all to see. Look out for these celestial signs at the Feasts!
Mark 13:23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things. 24: But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, 25: And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.

The following dates are given for those who wish to celebrate the Feasts in
A.D. 2000 and A.D. 2005 a month after AVITW.

Annual Sabbaths

A.D. 2000

A.D. 2005

First Day of Unleavened Bread

20th April

24th April

Last Day of Unleavened Bread

26th April

30th April

Feast of Pentecost

9th June

13th June

Feast of Trumpets

29th September

5th October

Day of Atonement (Fast)

8th October

14th October

Feast of Tabernacles

15th October

19th October

Last Great Day

22nd October

26th October

Whichever set of dates you settle for, do make sure that you are on the lookout for the
SIGNS in the sun, moon and stars at the Feasts! Because the Almighty will certainly keep to His promise in Genesis 1:14 to signal to the universe the most important days, seasons and years in His sacred calendar.

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven
to divide the day from the night;
and let them be for SIGNS, and for seasons, and for days, and years.

(Genesis 1: 14)

Feast Dates 1993 - 1999
Feast Dates 2005 - 2010
Feast Dates 2011 - 2025

A Voice In The Wilderness   Calendar Page   The Almighty's Feast Days

Author: Elder: David B. Loughran - Stewarton Bible School - Stewarton Scotland
A Voice In The Wilderness - USA

First published 1979 / Placed on the Internet 1996 / Updated: 1998 / Updated: 2002 / Updated: 2007