Serve The LORD With Gladness
Come Before His Presence With Singing
No. 401 |
Like Smoke They Fade Away |
They borrow oft and not pay back. |
No. 402 |
His Sacred Year We Greet |
For Abraham's God is thy God. |
No. 403 |
Dear Sabbath Rest |
Dear Sabbath rest, once more we come. |
No. 404 |
Thy Kingdom Come, O God |
Thy rule, O Christ begin. |
No. 405 |
Lord God The Holy Ghost |
As on the day of Pentecost. |
No. 406 |
Lord, Pour Thy Spirit From On High |
To teach Thy truth as taught by Thee. |
No. 407 |
Lord, Speak To Me |
As Thou has sought, so let me seek. |
No. 408 |
Shall We, For Fear of Feeble Man |
Soften Thy truths, and smooth our tongues? |
No. 409 |
Let Zion's Watchmen All Awake |
And watch Thou daily o'er our souls. |
No. 410 |
I Have Peace Within |
There's a promise sure, and it shall endure. |
No. 411 |
That Law I Never Can Forget |
Thy Word, O Lord, shall firmly stand. |
No. 412 |
O Make Me Clean |
One thing I of the Lord desire. |
No. 413 |
Never Mind, Go On |
For His sake fear not to lose men's favor. |
No. 414 |
Hallelujah Unto Yeshua |
He our resurrection Surety. |
No. 415 |
The Gospel's Glorious Banner |
For the cause of right and truth. |
No. 416 |
The Blessèd News |
He bought our peace through grief and pain. |
No. 417 |
Trust In The Lord |
Fret not thyself, nor envious be. |
No. 418 |
O Come, Emmanuel |
And be Thyself our King of Peace. |
No. 419 |
This Child We Dedicate To Thee |
And let Thy love his/her life prolong. |
No. 420 |
When The Storms of Life Are Raging |
Tempests wild on sea and land. |
No. 421 |
Telephone To Glory |
Give His royal line a call. |
No. 422 |
Lift Thine Eyes |
Thy own Messiah reigns. |
No. 423 |
Rise Thou Light |
Bringing freedom to the captives. |
No. 424 |
Settled Peace |
My weary soul no longer thirsts. |
No. 425 |
Peace, Perfect Peace |
The blood of Jesus whispers peace within. |
No. 426 |
If Molded By His Life |
Will work and murmur not. |
No. 427 |
The Holy City |
Jerusalem, lift up your gates and sing. |
No. 428 |
A Voice In The Wilderness |
Where the Lord our God may go. |
No. 429 |
My Faith Has Found A Resting Place |
My great Physician heals the sick. |
No. 430 |
Unless The Lord The House Shall Build |
The weary builders toil in vain. |
No. 431 |
Happy The Home If Yahweh Is There |
Where parents read the sacred Word. |
No. 432 |
There's No Other Name Like Jesus |
Tis the dearest Name we know. |
No. 433 |
Repent! The Gracious Call Believe |
Haste His forgiveness to receive. |
No. 434 |
Be Glad In God, Ye Righteous |
Be glad in God, ye righteous. |
No. 435 |
Why Will Ye Die |
Now Jesus invites you, the Spirit says Come. |
No. 436 |
One Named Lazarus |
One named Lazarus was sick. |
No. 437 |
Reborn, How Can This Be? |
He said, "We know you've come from God." |
No. 438 |
If Your Heart Keeps Right |
Every cloud will wear a rainbow. |
No. 439 |
O Royal Bride, Give Heed |
For Christ the King forsake the world. |
No. 440 |
Keep Thy Colors Flying |
Answer to each duty, onward, upward go. |
No. 441 |
Dust To Dust, The Mortal Dies |
Each must leave his hoarded gain. |
No. 442 |
Jehovah Speaks |
He comes and will not silent be. |
No. 443 |
Fill Us With The Holy Ghost |
Send us now Thy Pentecost. |
No. 444 |
Consider Ye, Lest I Destroy |
Since ye for wisdom do not care? |
No. 445 |
What Is Man ? |
What is man that he should be ... |
No. 446 |
How Excellent Thy Name |
O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth. |
No. 447 |
O Lord, Thy All Discerning Eyes |
My inmost purpose see. |
No. 448 |
O Child of Earth |
Thou art not here for ease, or sin. |
No. 449 |
The Fool Denies, The Fool Alone |
Thy being, Lord, and boundless might. |
No. 450 |
Let Thy Spirit Dwell In Me |
Gracious God, my heart renew. |
No. 451 |
The Glory of Thy Name |
My mouth shall show before the world. |
No. 452 |
Cleanse, O cleanse Me From My Sin |
Blot out my transgressions now. |
No. 453 |
Within The Secret Place |
The man who once has found abode. |
No. 454 |
In His Secret Habitation |
Rest beneath His defending shade. |
No. 455 |
To The Secret Place I Go |
Earthly cares can never vex me. |
No. 456 |
Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates of Brass |
The Word is in the field. |
No. 457 |
Hallelujah I Have Found Him |
Whom my soul so long has craved. |
No. 458 |
Thank And Praise Jehovah's Name |
For His mercies, firm and sure. |
No. 459 |
Haven of Rest |
And say Savior, "My Beloved is mine." |
No. 460 |
God Loveth The Righteous |
He never forsaketh the good and the pure. |
No. 461 |
No Longer Will I Stray |
In sin I once had wandered, all weary, sad. |
No. 462 |
O God, How Good Thou Art |
To all the pure of heart. |
No. 463 |
Go Work In My Vineyard |
The harvest is great and the labourers are few. |
No. 464 |
In The Vineyard Of Our Father |
Daily work we find to do. |
No. 465 |
Outside The Holy City |
Throw down your branches at His feet. |
No. 466 |
On This His Own Blest Day |
Behold we come, dear Lord, to Thee. |
No. 467 |
Blest Day Of God |
Sweet is Thy seventh day Sabbath rest. |
No. 468 |
Is There One, Oh, Is There One |
Would He find us in His vineyard. |
No. 469 |
O God, I Trust In Thee |
At morning, noon, and eve. |
No. 470 |
Triumphant In His Grace |
O could I speak the matchless worth. |
No. 471 |
Do You Know ? |
God, the Lord, their number knoweth. |
No. 472 |
Obey His Mighty Word |
Address the LORD on high. |
No. 473 |
Praise Ye The LORD |
The LORD builds up Jerusalem. |
No. 474 |
True Homage Thy Due |
Thy right would we give Thee. |
No. 475 |
Against False Doctrine |
Help make Thy judgments clear. |
No. 476 |
Thy Doctrine True |
Thy Church's buckler, shield, and sword. |
No. 477 |
Church Of The Living God |
Keep the old paths the fathers trod. |
No. 478 |
Where Are We Standing? |
Look for the waymarks as you journey on. |
No. 479 |
O God of God |
Thou Prince of Peace, Thou King of kings. |
No. 480 |
Our God Is Able To Deliver Thee |
Tis the grandest theme through the ages rung. |
No. 481 |
God Send Us Men |
Not to defend some ancient creed. |
No. 482 |
Thou God of All |
One in the truth that makes men free. |
No. 483 |
Yet This One Thing We Know |
His holy Word, that changeth not. |
No. 484 |
Claim The Promise |
On His Word lay hold as ne’er before |
No. 485 |
Good It Is To Keep The Fast |
Grant us, Lord, like them to be. |
No. 486 |
Awake, And Sing The Song |
Of Moses and the Lamb. |
No. 487 |
O What Shall The Harvest Be? |
Sown in the darkness or sown in the light./B> |
No. 488 |
Oft As The Precious Seed Is Sown |
Thy saving power may know. |
No. 489 |
This Is The Field |
In which the sowers came to sow. |
No. 490 |
At The Midnight Hour |
Let your lamps be trimmed and burning. |
No. 491 |
Nothing But Leaves |
And as we trace our weary way |
No. 492 |
Celestial Wisdom |
O happy is the man who hears. |
No. 493 |
Of Thy Commandments Still |
To Thee we lift our hearts, and pray. |
No. 494 |
The Day Is Fast Approaching |
When the Savior shall appear. |
No. 495 |
Back To My Father And Home |
Out in the wilderness wild and drear. |
No. 496 |
Abba, Father |
In our Savior's precious Name. |
No. 497 |
Ring The Bells of Heaven |
For a soul, returning from the wild. |
No. 498 |
Upon Another Year |
In Thee our hopes and thoughts now center. |
No. 499 |
Thy Sabbath's Blessing |
Grant, Lord, Thy Sabbath's blessing, AMEN |
No. 500 |
Great Creator, Who This Day |
From Thy perfect work didst rest. |