Serve The LORD With Gladness
Come Before His Presence With Singing
No. 501 |
I'm Going Through |
Lord, I have started to walk in Thy light. |
No. 502 |
Not Half Has Ever Been Told |
I have read of white robes for the righteous. |
No. 503 |
God Is Love |
God is love; His mercy brightens. |
No. 504 |
O Love That Casts Out Fear |
O love that casts out sin. |
No. 505 |
O To Be Like Thee |
This is my constant longing and prayer. |
No. 506 |
He Hath No Place To Lay His Head |
The King of Glory enters in. |
No. 507 |
Cradled In A Manger |
Happy were those shepherds listening. |
No. 508 |
At The Name of Jesus |
At the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow. |
No. 509 |
The Aged Simeon Sees |
His Lord, so long desired. |
No. 510 |
O Thou God of My Salvation |
Love and praise to Christ belong. |
No. 511 |
Blow Ye The Trump |
Sound the alarm. Let the watchman cry. |
No. 512 |
Precious Is The Lost Coin |
Sought with love and care. |
No. 513 |
I Was A Wandering Sheep |
I did not love the fold. |
No. 514 |
Jesus, Friend of Sinners |
Lover of the children, Teacher of the wise. |
No. 515 |
The Ninety And Nine |
But one was out on the hills away. |
No. 516 |
Cast Her Pride Away |
It's now the time for the waiting church. |
No. 517 |
Lord of Glory |
Thy lifeblood as the price. |
No. 518 |
Give Me Thy Best |
Hear ye the Master's call. |
No. 519 |
Was There Ever A Friend So True? |
He's present to cheer thee wherever you go. |
No. 520 |
The Seed We Have Scattered |
In springtime with weeping. |
No. 521 |
Lord, Thou Lovest The Cheerful Giver |
Savior, Thou hast freely given. |
No. 522 |
Poor Esau Repented Too Late |
That once he his birth-right despised. |
No. 523 |
Hold Up The King James Bible |
Unfailing it has stood the test of ages. |
No. 524 |
From All Thy Saints In Warfare |
Thou, Lord, didst win the battle. |
No. 525 |
Together, LORD, We Come To Thee |
And in Thy presence bow the head. |
No. 526 |
Go To The Deeps of God's Promise |
If, seeking, you truly believe. |
No. 527 |
Oh He Is The Savior For Me |
From Heaven above, in His infinite love. |
No. 528 |
Only Believe |
All things are possible, only believe. |
No. 529 |
I Do Not Know How |
But I read it in God's Word, and I believe it. |
No. 530 |
Come Believing |
Come to Jesus look and live. |
No. 531 |
The Trumpet Soon Will Sound |
That glorious day is coming. |
No. 532 |
Watchman, Blow The Gospel Trumpet |
Every soul a warning give. |
No. 533 |
Come To The Feast |
All things are ready, come to the feast. |
No. 534 |
There's A Shout In The Camp |
Hallelujah praise His Name. |
No. 535 |
Sun And Moon Are Both Confounded |
See the stars from Heaven falling. |
No. 536 |
Under The Atoning Blood of The Lamb |
I have found a precious resting place. |
No. 537 |
Once, Only Once |
His precious life he gave. |
No. 538 |
Father, Whose Everlasting Love |
Help us Thy mercy to extol. |
No. 539 |
Blow Ye The Trumpet, Blow |
The year of jubile is come. |
No. 540 |
O LORD of Hosts |
Thy tabernacles holy in pleasantness excel. |
No. 541 |
Goodly Are Thy Tents, O Israel |
Bright thy star, which rose prophetic. |
No. 542 |
The Last Great Day |
And the reapers work will soon be done. |
No. 543 |
That Great Decisive Day |
When God the nations shall survey. |
No. 544 |
Thy Great Day |
The tares shall severed be. |
No. 545 |
Freed From Pharaoh's Hand |
Tremble, thou earth, adore and fear. |
No. 546 |
O'er The Realms of Pagan Darkness |
Lost in sin's bewildering maze. |
No. 547 |
Our Nation Judge, And Shame It |
And judge, that Thou may’st heal us. |
No. 548 |
We Have A Sure Prophetic Word |
While haughty empires lie in in dust. |
No. 549 |
Let All The Earth Their Voices Raise |
And barbarous nations fear His Name. |
No. 550 |
My God, In Whom I Trust |
He's my refuge and my fortress. |
No. 551 |
The Mistakes of My Life |
The sins of my heart have been more. |
No. 552 |
See, The Conqueror Mounts In Triumph |
See Him, Who is gone before us. |
No. 553 |
Lord, I Confess To Thee |
Sin hath gone over me. |
No. 554 |
Come, Ye children of The Lord |
Let us sing with one accord. |
No. 555 |
Thy Mercy And Thy Truth, O Lord |
They shall not triumph in their pride. |
No. 556 |
O Mighty Man, Why Wilt Thou Boast |
Thy tongue deviseth wickedness. |
No. 557 |
Have Courage, My friend, To Say No |
When starting, my friend, on life's journey. |
No. 558 |
Blest Is The Man |
But crooked ways of sinners lead. |
No. 559 |
I lift My Banner, Saith The Lord |
Where Antichrist has stood. |
No. 560 |
Remember The Sabbath |
A day that observed and respected should be. |
No. 561 |
The Ten Commandments |
God did these Ten Commandments give. |
No. 562 |
O Let My Supplicating Cry |
And in Thy law is my delight. |
No. 563 |
Bless The Father, O My Soul |
He has beamed Mount Sinai's flame. |
No. 564 |
Behold, A Stranger At The Door |
With melting heart and laden hands. |
No. 565 |
Guide My Ways |
Nor let my tongue indulge deceit. |
No. 566 |
That Man Is Blest |
Who will not stand with wicked men. |
No. 567 |
Praise Ye The Lord |
He loves his saints, He knows them well. |
No. 568 |
Come, For All Things Are Ready |
Here's a free invitation from the Master above. |
No. 569 |
Come To The Throne of Grace |
Come, for the feast is spread, hark to the call. |
No. 570 |
There Is A Blood-Washed Multitude |
Where He has said His faithful ones shall walk. |
No. 571 |
So Near To The Kingdom |
So near to the kingdom! what keepeth thee back? |
No. 572 |
Hark! ’Tis The Watchman’s Cry |
Watch, brethren, watch. |
No. 573 |
Winter Reigns O'er Many a Region |
Many a seed field fallow lies. |
No. 574 |
I Am So Glad Salvation's Free |
Glory, honour be to His Name forever. |
No. 575 |
God Is Keeping His Soldiers Fighting |
We will follow our conquering Savior. |
No. 576 |
O King of Peace |
Where rest but on Thy truthful Word. |
No. 577 |
Peace, Be Still ! |
And with joy I shall make the blest harbour. |
No. 578 |
Peace, Wonderful Peace |
Flowing like rivers through my soul. |
No. 579 |
God's Wonderful Grace |
I'm finding it true that where'er I may be. |
No. 580 |
From Out The Cloud Of Amber Light |
Borne on the whirlwind from the north. |
No. 581 |
Be Thou My Vision |
Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word. |
No. 582 |
How Firm A Foundation |
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word. |
No. 583 |
Moment By Moment |
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine. |
No. 584 |
Galilee, Bright Galilee |
Loudly roared the angry sea. |
No. 585 |
The World Is Very Evil |
The Judge is at the gate. |
No. 586 |
Spared To See Another Year |
Christ for you has paid the whole. |
No. 587 |
God Sees The Little Sparrow Fall |
It meets His tender view. |
No. 588 |
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise |
Jesus, Lord, to Thee we raise. |
No. 589 |
O God, Thou Art Our Shield of Old |
Salvation Thou hast wrought. |
No. 590 |
They Were In An Upper Chamber |
They were all with one accord. |
No. 591 |
On Thy Waiting Church Be Poured |
Grant our burdened hearts release. |
No. 592 |
Spirit Of Mercy, Truth And Love |
O shed Thine influence from above. |
No. 593 |
Come, Holy Ghost |
For the Pentecost of the latter rain. |
No. 594 |
Waiting On The Lord |
Gives vict'ry over sin, and purity within. |
No. 595 |
On All The Earth Thy Spirit Shower |
The earth in righteousness renew. |
No. 596 |
I Want To Be Ready |
To walk in Jerusalem just like John. |
No. 597 |
The God of Jacob Is For Us |
Our ever present Aid. |
No. 598 |
Shadows And Sunshine |
After the shadows, there will be sunshine. |
No. 599 |
Rulers of Sodom! Hear The Voice |
Of heaven's Eternal LORD. |
No. 600 |
The Unseen God Is Near |
Their Judge let judges fear. |