Serve The LORD With Gladness
Come Before His Presence With Singing
No. 301 |
A Few More Sabbaths Here |
And we shall reach the endless rest. |
No. 302 |
For The Coming Year |
For His eternal covenant. |
No. 303 |
As Brought To This — Another Year |
Make us, and keep us ever Thine. |
No. 304 |
See! Another Year Is Gone |
Quickly have the seasons passed. |
No. 305 |
How God In The Wilderness |
His great and marvelous works they here saw. |
No. 306 |
Yeshua, The Crucified |
Who defeats my fiercest foes? |
No. 307 |
At The Lamb's High Feast We Sing |
Praise to our victorious King. |
No. 308 |
In Latter Days, The Mount of God |
All Tribes and Tongues shall flow. |
No. 309 |
By Whom Was David Taught |
Fearless of all that could oppose. |
No. 310 |
He Who Was Dead Is Alive Again |
Thomas beheld Him there in the room. |
No. 311 |
The Master Calls Us |
The track of the footprints He leaves on our way. |
No. 312 |
He Will Not Let Us Fall |
His voice we never fail to hear. |
No. 313 |
My God, My Father |
Renew my will from day to day. |
No. 314 |
O Father, Hear Me As I Pray To Thee |
When morning comes, oh, let me rise to work. |
No. 315 |
Unanswered Yet? |
Faith cannot be unanswered. |
No. 316 |
Unto My Lord Jehovah Said |
At My right hand I throne Thee. |
No. 317 |
Christ Has For Sin Atonement Made |
We are redeemed, the price is paid. |
No. 318 |
Upon Calvary He Took My Blame |
Weary soul, to Jesus come confessing. |
No. 319 |
Gather Scattered Israel |
Come, all ye scattered sheep. |
No. 320 |
Jesus Has A Table Spread |
To the hungry calleth now, "Come and dine." |
No. 321 |
Come, Labour On |
Who dares stand idle, on the harvest plain? |
No. 322 |
Come, Let Us Sing of A Wonderful Love |
Lowly and humble, a learner of thee. |
No. 323 |
Watch And Pray |
Soon He'll gather home His loved ones. |
No. 324 |
Welcome One And All |
We are gathered today on our LORD'S Sabbath. |
No. 325 |
Will Jesus Find Us Watching? |
With our lamps all trimmed and bright. |
No. 326 |
Awake! For The Trumpet Is Sounding |
Awake to its call, and obey. |
No. 327 |
Behold, The Bridegroom Comes |
Oh, be ready when the Bridegroom comes. |
No. 328 |
Our Lamps Are Trimmed And Burning |
We've tarried for the Bridegroom. |
No. 329 |
The Hymn of Passover |
Repeat the tidings far and wide. |
No. 330 |
Book of Books |
Shedding light that none can measure. |
No. 331 |
Come Unto Me |
Come unto Me, ye weary. |
No. 332 |
Believe And Obey |
Of all who confess Him, believe, and obey. |
No. 333 |
This Sabbath Day |
O thou who hearest every heartfelt prayer. |
No. 334 |
O Thou Who The Shepherd of Israel Art |
Give ear to our prayer and Thy favor impart. |
No. 335 |
A Sabbath Prayer |
Dear Lord, forgive. |
No. 336 |
He's Coming Soon |
He shall reign, King of kings. |
No. 337 |
Alone |
He gave Himself to save His own. |
No. 338 |
Never Alone |
He promised never to leave us. |
No. 339 |
He Comes In Glory |
Up, ye saints of God awaking. |
No. 340 |
Jesus Is Coming To Earth Again |
Satan's dominion will then be over. |
No. 341 |
Whose Blood So Freely Streamed |
What creature could have formed the plan? |
No. 342 |
Seal Us, O Holy Spirit |
Grant us Thine impress, we pray. |
No. 343 |
Send Thy Power |
We need another Pentecost. |
No. 344 |
Send Thy Blessing |
O send to us Thy quickening power. |
No. 345 |
Somebody Cares |
Somebody knows when your heart aches. |
No. 346 |
The Steps of Those Whom He Approves |
And though they fall, held by His hand. |
No. 347 |
When The Bridegroom Comes |
Art thou in the path that thy Master trod? |
No. 348 |
Thy Pentecost of Power |
Lord, as of old, at Pentecost. |
No. 349 |
Abba, Father |
Once as prodigals we wandered. |
No. 350 |
Stand Up, My Soul |
Join in my glorious Leader's praise. |
No. 351 |
Christian, Dost Thou See Them? |
How the powers of darkness rage thy steps around. |
No. 352 |
The Workers of Iniquity |
They aim at us their treacherous words. |
No. 353 |
Till Christ The Lord Descends |
Soldiers of Christ, arise. |
No. 354 |
In All The Hellish Rage of War |
As listed on Abaddon's side. |
No. 355 |
To Arms, To Arms Ye Soldiers |
The trumpet call obey. |
No. 356 |
Lord, Her Watch Thy Church Is Keeping |
When shall earth Thy rule obey? |
No. 357 |
Forsaken Once, And Thrice Denied |
Have we denied His holy Name? |
No. 358 |
Lamb of God |
Thine almighty power and wisdom. |
No. 359 |
Now Christ Our Passover Is Slain |
From death to endless life restored. |
No. 360 |
The Passover of God |
For Christ the Lord hath risen. |
No. 361 |
The Passover of Praise |
What thoughts within us waken. |
No. 362 |
Christ Our Passover |
Here the King hath spread His table. |
No. 363 |
The Law's Loud Thunder |
He has beamed Mount Sinai's flame. |
No. 364 |
Light In The Darkness |
Watch the Bright and Morning Star. |
No. 365 |
Brighten Thou My Sabbath Morning |
Dein to fill this temple lowly. |
No. 366 |
For Israel Yet Shall Own Her King |
O hasten, Lord, these promised days. |
No. 367 |
Jehovah's Counsels Stand Secure |
For lo, He spoke and it was done. |
No. 368 |
Prepare The Plough |
The Sower is gone forth to sow. |
No. 369 |
To Act An Honest Part |
Withhold my hands from doing wrongs. |
No. 370 |
This Holy Seventh Day |
On this, the seventh day. |
No. 371 |
Keep Thyself Pure |
Thy Captain speaks: His Word obey. |
No. 372 |
The Kings Business |
That all who will obey, with Him shall reign. |
No. 373 |
Some Day He'll Make It Plain To Me |
For God will lead thro' darkened ways. |
No. 374 |
All Your Anxiety, All Your Care |
Come to the Rock, each burden bearing. |
No. 375 |
Rise, My Soul |
Heed not when they flatter. |
No. 376 |
Ring In The New |
Ring in the thousand years of peace. |
No. 377 |
Savior! Hasten Thine Appearing |
Reign, oh, reign Almighty Savior. |
No. 378 |
Savior, Teach Me Day By Day |
Prompt to serve and follow Thee. |
No. 379 |
Sealed Was The Tomb |
Soldiers of Rome never slept on duty. |
No. 380 |
Follow To Calvary |
Lead me on year by year, safe to the end. |
No. 381 |
Wake Thy Sleeping Church |
Sleeping and still Thy Church has lain. |
No. 382 |
The Kingdom of Christ |
Sing we the King Who is coming to reign. |
No. 383 |
My Lord Saved Me |
A sinner more wretched than I. |
No. 384 |
The Slighted Stranger |
He was wounded for thy transgressions. |
No. 385 |
Our Journey Ended |
Oh, what a crown for every victory won. |
No. 386 |
God's Message To Man |
Believing, Obeying, and Watching with prayer. |
No. 387 |
Let Us Press On |
Our portion lies beyond the hour of trial. |
No. 388 |
Count Your Blessings |
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? |
No. 389 |
Awake, O Israel, Awake |
Shake off the dust that blinds thy sight. |
No. 390 |
Faith Leads Us To The Mercy Seat |
For God gave up His Son to death. |
No. 391 |
The King Is Very Near |
Look up, faint hearts, from your despair. |
No. 392 |
The Messiah's Appearing |
If He came to call His people would you be dismayed? |
No. 393 |
Wash Your Garments White |
Are you coming home, ye lost ones? |
No. 394 |
Building, Daily Building |
Oh let us be careful for the Master's sake!. |
No. 395 |
Captain of Israel's Host |
Our strength, Thy grace; our rule, Thy Word. |
No. 396 |
The Holy Word |
And may it reap triumphant. |
No. 397 |
Heed The Lord's Command |
Church of God, awaken; heed the Lord's command. |
No. 398 |
Cling to the Bible |
Lose not its precepts, so precious and pure. |
No. 399 |
As Judge of All Appointed |
All mirth and laughter then shall cease. |
No. 400 |
Day of Judgment - Day of Wonders |
How the summons wilt the sinner's heart confound. |