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A Voice In The Wilderness — Hymnal Part 4

Serve The LORD With Gladness
Come Before His Presence With Singing
No. 301 A Few More Sabbaths Here And we shall reach the endless rest.
No. 302 For The Coming Year For His eternal covenant.
No. 303 As Brought To This — Another Year Make us, and keep us ever Thine.
No. 304 See! Another Year Is Gone Quickly have the seasons passed.
No. 305 How God In The Wilderness His great and marvelous works they here saw.
No. 306 Yeshua, The Crucified Who defeats my fiercest foes?
No. 307 At The Lamb's High Feast We Sing Praise to our victorious King.
No. 308 In Latter Days, The Mount of God All Tribes and Tongues shall flow.
No. 309 By Whom Was David Taught Fearless of all that could oppose.
No. 310 He Who Was Dead Is Alive Again Thomas beheld Him there in the room.
No. 311 The Master Calls Us The track of the footprints He leaves on our way.
No. 312 He Will Not Let Us Fall His voice we never fail to hear.
No. 313 My God, My Father Renew my will from day to day.
No. 314 O Father, Hear Me As I Pray To Thee When morning comes, oh, let me rise to work.
No. 315 Unanswered Yet? Faith cannot be unanswered.
No. 316 Unto My Lord Jehovah Said At My right hand I throne Thee.
No. 317 Christ Has For Sin Atonement Made We are redeemed, the price is paid.
No. 318 Upon Calvary He Took My Blame Weary soul, to Jesus come confessing.
No. 319 Gather Scattered Israel Come, all ye scattered sheep.
No. 320 Jesus Has A Table Spread To the hungry calleth now, "Come and dine."
No. 321 Come, Labour On Who dares stand idle, on the harvest plain?
No. 322 Come, Let Us Sing of A Wonderful Love Lowly and humble, a learner of thee.
No. 323 Watch And Pray Soon He'll gather home His loved ones.
No. 324 Welcome One And All We are gathered today on our LORD'S Sabbath.
No. 325 Will Jesus Find Us Watching? With our lamps all trimmed and bright.
No. 326 Awake! For The Trumpet Is Sounding Awake to its call, and obey.
No. 327 Behold, The Bridegroom Comes Oh, be ready when the Bridegroom comes.
No. 328 Our Lamps Are Trimmed And Burning We've tarried for the Bridegroom.
No. 329 The Hymn of Passover Repeat the tidings far and wide.
No. 330 Book of Books Shedding light that none can measure.
No. 331 Come Unto Me Come unto Me, ye weary.
No. 332 Believe And Obey Of all who confess Him, believe, and obey.
No. 333 This Sabbath Day O thou who hearest every heartfelt prayer.
No. 334 O Thou Who The Shepherd of Israel Art Give ear to our prayer and Thy favor impart.
No. 335 A Sabbath Prayer Dear Lord, forgive.
No. 336 He's Coming Soon He shall reign, King of kings.
No. 337 Alone He gave Himself to save His own.
No. 338 Never Alone He promised never to leave us.
No. 339 He Comes In Glory Up, ye saints of God awaking.
No. 340 Jesus Is Coming To Earth Again Satan's dominion will then be over.
No. 341 Whose Blood So Freely Streamed What creature could have formed the plan?
No. 342 Seal Us, O Holy Spirit Grant us Thine impress, we pray.
No. 343 Send Thy Power We need another Pentecost.
No. 344 Send Thy Blessing O send to us Thy quickening power.
No. 345 Somebody Cares Somebody knows when your heart aches.
No. 346 The Steps of Those Whom He Approves And though they fall, held by His hand.
No. 347 When The Bridegroom Comes Art thou in the path that thy Master trod?
No. 348 Thy Pentecost of Power Lord, as of old, at Pentecost.
No. 349 Abba, Father Once as prodigals we wandered.
No. 350 Stand Up, My Soul Join in my glorious Leader's praise.
No. 351 Christian, Dost Thou See Them? How the powers of darkness rage thy steps around.
No. 352 The Workers of Iniquity They aim at us their treacherous words.
No. 353 Till Christ The Lord Descends Soldiers of Christ, arise.
No. 354 In All The Hellish Rage of War As listed on Abaddon's side.
No. 355 To Arms, To Arms Ye Soldiers The trumpet call obey.
No. 356 Lord, Her Watch Thy Church Is Keeping When shall earth Thy rule obey?
No. 357 Forsaken Once, And Thrice Denied Have we denied His holy Name?
No. 358 Lamb of God Thine almighty power and wisdom.
No. 359 Now Christ Our Passover Is Slain From death to endless life restored.
No. 360 The Passover of God For Christ the Lord hath risen.
No. 361 The Passover of Praise What thoughts within us waken.
No. 362 Christ Our Passover Here the King hath spread His table.
No. 363 The Law's Loud Thunder He has beamed Mount Sinai's flame.
No. 364 Light In The Darkness Watch the Bright and Morning Star.
No. 365 Brighten Thou My Sabbath Morning Dein to fill this temple lowly.
No. 366 For Israel Yet Shall Own Her King O hasten, Lord, these promised days.
No. 367 Jehovah's Counsels Stand Secure For lo, He spoke and it was done.
No. 368 Prepare The Plough The Sower is gone forth to sow.
No. 369 To Act An Honest Part Withhold my hands from doing wrongs.
No. 370 This Holy Seventh Day On this, the seventh day.
No. 371 Keep Thyself Pure Thy Captain speaks: His Word obey.
No. 372 The Kings Business That all who will obey, with Him shall reign.
No. 373 Some Day He'll Make It Plain To Me For God will lead thro' darkened ways.
No. 374 All Your Anxiety, All Your Care Come to the Rock, each burden bearing.
No. 375 Rise, My Soul Heed not when they flatter.
No. 376 Ring In The New Ring in the thousand years of peace.
No. 377 Savior! Hasten Thine Appearing Reign, oh, reign Almighty Savior.
No. 378 Savior, Teach Me Day By Day Prompt to serve and follow Thee.
No. 379 Sealed Was The Tomb Soldiers of Rome never slept on duty.
No. 380 Follow To Calvary Lead me on year by year, safe to the end.
No. 381 Wake Thy Sleeping Church Sleeping and still Thy Church has lain.
No. 382 The Kingdom of Christ Sing we the King Who is coming to reign.
No. 383 My Lord Saved Me A sinner more wretched than I.
No. 384 The Slighted Stranger He was wounded for thy transgressions.
No. 385 Our Journey Ended Oh, what a crown for every victory won.
No. 386 God's Message To Man Believing, Obeying, and Watching with prayer.
No. 387 Let Us Press On Our portion lies beyond the hour of trial.
No. 388 Count Your Blessings Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
No. 389 Awake, O Israel, Awake Shake off the dust that blinds thy sight.
No. 390 Faith Leads Us To The Mercy Seat For God gave up His Son to death.
No. 391 The King Is Very Near Look up, faint hearts, from your despair.
No. 392 The Messiah's Appearing If He came to call His people would you be dismayed?
No. 393 Wash Your Garments White Are you coming home, ye lost ones?
No. 394 Building, Daily Building Oh let us be careful for the Master's sake!.
No. 395 Captain of Israel's Host Our strength, Thy grace; our rule, Thy Word.
No. 396 The Holy Word And may it reap triumphant.
No. 397 Heed The Lord's Command Church of God, awaken; heed the Lord's command.
No. 398 Cling to the Bible Lose not its precepts, so precious and pure.
No. 399 As Judge of All Appointed All mirth and laughter then shall cease.
No. 400 Day of Judgment - Day of Wonders How the summons wilt the sinner's heart confound.

In The Son's Name, For The Father's Glory

A Voice In The Wilderness - USA